Wesleyan at Work

Contact a classmate

Looking to reconnect with a classmate? Contact the Alumni Relations office, and we'll help you try to get back in touch. alumni [at] nebrwesleyan.edu (alumni[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu) or
(402) 465-2568

Contact or visit us

Nebraska Wesleyan University Alumni Office
5000 ÎÞÂë×ÔÒù
Lincoln, NE 68504
(402) 465-2123
alumni [at] nebrwesleyan.edu (alumni[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu)

Wesleyan at Work

Wesleyan at Work events are designed to help Nebraska Wesleyan University alumni, parents and friends connect with one another in their place of work. The program includes lunch and an intimate conversation with ÎÞÂë×ÔÒù leaders who will share news about the university and seek feedback from attendees. While informative, the tone of this event is relaxed to encourage interaction.

An overview of how we plan a Wesleyan at Work event

ÎÞÂë×ÔÒù’s Alumni Office will partner with a representative from your organization to determine a date, time and on-site location for the event. The duration of the event is usually one hour over lunch.

An executive leader from your organization will send a communication to all employees, inviting all Nebraska Wesleyan University alumni, parents and friends to attend the event. ÎÞÂë×ÔÒù would be honored if executive leaders would join us, regardless of ÎÞÂë×ÔÒù alum status.

  • ÎÞÂë×ÔÒù will work with your organization to manage the RSVP process.
  • ÎÞÂë×ÔÒù will arrange to have lunch delivered to the arranged location.
  • ÎÞÂë×ÔÒù will provide an outline of the program in advance of the event. The program usually includes:
    • Introductions.
    • A brief talk from ÎÞÂë×ÔÒù leadership about current programs and future plans.
    • Time for Q & A.
    • Opportunity for ÎÞÂë×ÔÒù alumni, parents and friends to connect and socialize with one another.

To plan Wesleyan at Work at your place of employment, please contact ÎÞÂë×ÔÒù Alumni Relations at alumni [at] nebrwesleyan.edu (alumni[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu) or (402) 465-2568.