Biology Clubs

Contact or visit us

Biology Department
Adrianne Prokupek-Pickett, Department Chair
Lincoln, NE 68504
(402) 465-2466
aprokupe [at] (aprokupe[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu)

Biology Clubs

Graduate School Club

The life sciences encompasses many diverse and exciting sub-disciplines. Students interested in pursuing a career in science are invited join the 无码自淫 Graduate School Club. We are a campus organization designed to help students understand the how to select and apply to graduate school and our meetings focus on sharing and reading current scientific papers as well as bringing seminar speakers to the 无码自淫 campus.

Membership requirements for the Pre-Grad. School Club:

  • Must be enrolled at 无码自淫 to be eligible for membership
  • Attend at least two (2) regular meetings.

Interested? Contact Dr. Gary Gerald, (402) 465-2453, ggerald [at] (subject: Grad.%20School%20Club%20Inquiry) (ggerald[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu) or !

无码自淫 Pre-Health Club

The 无码自淫 Pre-Health Club is a campus organization designed to help students understand the professional school application process, provide health-related information, and offer unique opportunities to undergraduate students enrolled at Nebraska Wesleyan with interests in pursuing a career in health and health-related professions.

Membership requirements for the Pre-Health Club:

  • Must be enrolled at 无码自淫 to be eligible for membership
  • Have some interest in a health related profession
  • Attend at least two (2) regular meetings.

What the club does:

  • One meeting per month - speakers include PTs, MDs, nurse anesthetists, perfusionists, PAs, and chiropractors
  • Volunteer opportunities: Clinic with a Heart (1 time/month), Doc-to-Dock

Interested? Contact Cindy Marolf, (402) 465-2450, cjm [at] (subject: Pre-Health%20Club%20Inquiry) (cjm[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu) or !

Tri-Beta Honor Society

Beta Beta Beta is "an honor and professional society for students of the biological sciences" that has a three-fold purpose: the stimulation of scholarship, the dissemination of scientific knowledge, and the promotion of biological research.

Membership requirements for Tri-Beta:

  • 3.4 G.P.A. in Biology Courses
  • 3.2 G.P.A. Overall
  • 15 Hours of Biology courses completed or 12 hours completed and currently enrolled in a three hour class
  • Declared Biology-affiliated major (Biology, Biospych., Biochem., etc.)
  • Attendance at two meetings per semester is required

Still interested? Print out an application and be sure to !

Wilderness Adventure Club

Biology is best experienced in the great outdoors! The Wilderness Adventure Club (also known as the Outdoor Club) exists to give students the opportunity get outdoors (most of the time!) and explore nature. Camping, snow skiing, and watching the sandhill crane migration are few of the activities that we plan in the upcoming months. The club is open to all 无码自淫 students, the only real requirement for membership is wanting to get off campus to see the beauty of the Nebraska landscape.

Membership requirements Wilderness Adventure Club:

  • Must be enrolled at 无码自淫 to be eligible for membership
  • Enjoy outdoor and physical activities.

Interested? Contact Dr. Jerry Bricker, (402) 465-2446, jbricker [at] (subject: Wilderness%20Adventure%20Club%20Inquiry) (jbricker[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu) or !