Video Use and Copyright

Video Use and Copyright

Policy title
Video Use and Copyright
Student Involvement
Student Life
Student Life
Approved by
Sarah Kelen, VPSL
Purpose of this policy

to ensure appropriate video use by students and student organizations

Application of this policy

students and student organizations

Policy statement

Video copyright

Federal copyright law restricts the use of video to private showings and prohibits their public performances. A public performance is one at a place open to the public or any place where a substantial number of persons gathered outside of a normal circle of a family or its social acquaintances is gathered. The performance of a video by students in a residence hall, common area, or lounge is considered by Nebraska Wesleyan to be violation of copyright law and such performances are prohibited. They are likewise prohibited in the Story Student Center unless performance rights have been purchased from the copyright holder. For information about purchasing performance rights, contact the Center for Student Involvement (402) 465-2412.